George Foreman grill
On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 09:06:58 -0800 (PST), Michael O'Connor wrote:
>> Mr. Foreman became a multimillion selling those damn things and they
>> all end up in a garage sale! * I should dream up such an idea. *
> The Ronco company (Ron Popeil) made millions selling stuff like the
> Veg-O-Matic, Spray on Hair, Pocket Fisherman and Mr. Microphone; all
> that stuff winds up in Garage sales. Ron Popeil once said (and I'm
> paraphrasing) "The Pocket Fisherman isn't something you would want to
> use, but it is something you would want to give as a gift." The only
> product of his I ever purchased was the Showtime Rotisserie, but most
> of the rest of his products are things I would not use.
there was a good article about popeil not long ago in *the new yorker*:
apparently, the man could sell feathers to chickens, but he's also deeply
involved with and believes in his products (with the possible exception of
the pocket fisherman).
your pal,