"Slartibartfast" > wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I have a New Braunfels smoker with an offset firebox, and I have a few
> questions that I haven't been able to answer by searching on the web.
> 1) When you are done cooking, do you let the fire burn out, or put it
> out?
Let it burn out; you'll get to the point where you won't have that much to
waste. Experience.
> 2) How critical is it really to remove the ashes each time you cook?
Only when it starts to interfere with the fire, so each and every time isn't
> 3) I have found a couple of "smoking" cookbooks, but none that tell me
> what temperature the smoker should be. How do I know?
Go he
and when you get there, put your pointer on the address and schlep it onto
your desktop so you can double click for good bbq info.
> 4) On a related note, can anyone recommend a good smiking cookbook for
> a complete novice
see 3
> 5) I started using lump charcoal instead of briquettes. I assume that
> lump doesn't really impart any particular flavor -- that has to come
> from added hardwood?
Lump charcoal IS hardwood and it does impart flavor to foods; we add chunks
(not chips) of other hardwoods to add different flavors. Hickory, widely
available is a very good all-around smoking wood.
Enjoy your new hobby/obsession and buy bigger clothes next time you need