evadnikufesin wrote:
> In article >,
> martin > wrote:
>>> You're talking about the "GodHatesFags.com" crowd, btw. And they should
>>> be prosecuted too on the same grounds.
>> You ignored my comments about "good christians"[tm] shooting doctors,
>> planting bombs at parties, and planting bombs to kill homosexuals.
> You lack reading comprehension skills. I answered you. Note the 'and
> they should be prosecuted' part...
Oh I see, I thought you were referring to the Phelps lot with that
comment. I wasn't talking about the godhatesfags lot when I was
referring to shooting doctors etc.
It's not my reading comprehension, it's your ability to write clearly
that caused the confusion. As far as I know the GodHatesFags lot haven't
committed any crime, so on what grounds do you suggest they be
prosecuted? Or wasn't that sentence talking about them? Hard to tell really.
Here's some messages from "Good Christians"[tm], they seem very typical
of the christians I've met