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Default Newbie questions

> Slartibartfast > wrote in
> :

To reiterate:

1. Read the FAQ (the best damn FAQ on usenet)
2. Read it again for anything you missed
3. Ignore the thermostat that came with it and get a Polder to check the air
temp. Then, maybe trust the stock unit.
4. Do the mods for your cooker. The aluminum foil extender to the smokestack
works fine BTW. Easy to remove for grilling and cheap too.

I hope you have access to a good oak lump too. Mesquite is for grilling.
(Ok, that one's an opinion)
You can check restaraunt supply houses if needed.

When you have a question, you might want to do a google search first, it's
probably been asked, here's the link:

Don't want to stop you from asking questions though, these *******s get
bored easily and start eating their own without outside stimulation. <G>

PS, dig the handle; slartibartfast, sounds nasty, heh.
