(2008-11-18) NS-RFC: Alternative kitchen equipment...
A tv would be a distraction. I can peer around the corner and see it
if I want to. My Bose blasts music all over the house, likewise the
old boombox. Other radios in other rooms can be heard if I turn em
I used to visit someone who'd have a tv going in the breakfast nook
while we had the morning meal - I found it annoying, but never said
boo. I've also been to big holiday dinners, ruined by a tv blasting a
football game from the next room. I felt bad for the long suffering
cook whose meal didn't get undivided attention.
Knew a man who put a radio in the kitchen and would intentionally, I
think, blast it on 'by accident', just to get his wife up and cookin'
his b'fast. He couldn't stand to see her get an extra wink of sleep.