Safeway tigtens the screws
notbob wrote:
> I've been going to Safeway to buy their great turkey bargains for over 30
> yrs. Never have I encountered a problem. Go in, buy turkey, go out. Today,
> we went to our local Safeway to buy the advertised turkey sale of $5/$7
> turkeys, as we/I have done some many times before. Low and behold. once in
> the store, we were confronted with a disclaimer sign above each frozen
> turkey bin informing us that we must buy $25 worth of groceries to get said
> discount! This was not in the flyer. Upon questioning Safeway storedroid,
> I was informed this was policy for whole Denver district stores.
> Have any other of you rfc regulars... about the country.... encountered this
> extortion sales gambit?
Er... Yeah. For as far back as I can remember buying Thanksgiving
turkeys you always had to also purchase a relatively minor amount of
grocieries. Certainly less than I'd spend on the other items for a
Thanksgiving dinner, and less than half of what I'd spend on a normal
week's groceries. Sometimes I make an extra trip and stock up on canned
goods, frozen foods, etc. to take advantage of the ridiculously low
turkey prices.