Safeway tigtens the screws
"Van" wrote:
> "notbob" wrote
> > I've been going to Safeway to buy their great turkey bargains for over 30
> > yrs. �Never have I encountered a problem. �Go in, buy turkey, go out.
> > Today,
> > we went to our local Safeway to buy the advertised turkey sale of $5/$7
> > turkeys, as we/I have done some many times before. �Low and behold. once
> > in
> > the store, we were confronted with a disclaimer sign above each frozen
> > turkey bin informing us that we must buy $25 worth of groceries to get
> > said
> > discount! �This was not in the flyer. �Upon questioning Safeway
> > storedroid,
> > I was informed this was policy for whole Denver district stores.
> > Have any other of you rfc regulars... about the country.... encountered
> > this
> > extortion sales gambit?
> > nb
> The two large chains here in the Upstate NY area are both offering frozen
> turkeys at 49 cents/lb. �Can't find one that's under 15 lbs or so, tho.
> No other purchase requirements.
> Just for comparison. . .
My little stupidmarket in town gave half off with an additional $50
purchase. Instead of 59cts/lb I paid 29cts/lb. With prices what they
are today it's very easy to make the additional $50 purchase. I
didn't even know they had this deal, so when I got to the check out
with the turkey and rest of my purchase that's when I was informed (I
didn't read the circular), my total was like $2 and change short of
the $50... the checker waited while I grabbed three bottles of 7Up
from the end of the closest aisle (those were on sale at 99cts). In
fact I wouldn't have driven to the store for only a turkey, with
today's gas prices then I'd be the turkey. I would normally do my
holiday shopping at the big chain store (Price Chopper) some 20 miles
away but I happened to be in town, to the PO, bank, and liqour store,
and decided I needed a few groceries, and happened to see the frozen
turkey display and said why not. I got a 14.5 pounder store brand
(Best Yet brand). Did I get a bargain, don't really know. I remember
on Lung Guyland every store had a different turkey gimmick to lure you
in, typically if you spent $250 during the 30 days prior you got a
store brand turkey for free, any weight... they kept track of
purchases with the number on that little plastic tag. The store in
town hasn't any such thing, the deal was very straight forward...
they've generally higher prices than the big chain but if I buy only
their sale items I do very well... they also give a 5pct senior
discount on Wednesdays... gotta be 55... new checkers ask me for
proof, makes me feel good. I remember when the minimum drinking age
in NY was 18... when I was 30 they still would ID me, used to
embarrass me then in front of my friends, not anymore, and I'm as far
past 55 now as I was past 18 then... good jeans, gals still wanna get
into them.