Safeway tigtens the screws
Pete C. wrote:
> Sqwertz wrote:
>>BD > wrote:
>>>Why buy one of those horribly raised, hormone laden, tasteless turkeys
>>>anyway? Safeway did you a favor. Contact your local farmer.
>>It's always nice to hear from somebody who has all their facts
>>straight. Unfortunately, you're not one of them.
>>Hormone use in poultry production has been illegal for over 40
> And besides, if you want a real turkey, you get a shotgun and a hunting
> license and go shoot a real wild one yourself for a vastly superior
> product.
Or go out on your mountain bike, minding your own business, and have one
of those horrible, flappy, dinosaur-looking things kill itelf by
crashing into YOUR HEAD.
Although the free price tag hardly makes up for the co-pay on the ER
visit for stitches.
And no, it wasn't me, it was a friend, although I've had numerous close
encounters with the damned things. I know exactly why "bird brain" came
into common use as an insult. And squirrels. Don't even get me started
on squirrels.