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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Safeway tigtens the screws

"BD" wrote:
> "notbob" wrote
> > Dimitri wrote:

> >> IIRC the minimum purchase has always been a requirement.

> > Maybe for U

> > I've been taking advantage of this sale for 30+ yrs. �Never seen it. �I'd
> > go into Safeway, get sale turkey only, walk out. �EOS (end of story).

> > nb

> Why buy one of those horribly raised, hormone laden, tasteless turkeys
> anyway? �Safeway did you a favor. �Contact your local farmer.

Oh puhlezzzze! You think the local farmer does different that's
better, NOT! You watch too much sci fi. I've plenty local farmers
nearby, I won't buy even their eggs, nothing is inspected at the
farm. They ship most to a large processing plant, there the USDA
inspects, many times a small farmer's entire batch is rejected and
destroyed due to disease. You take a big chance buying especially
poultry from the locals, they may have good intentins and the
storybook free range but they follow few if any health guidelines.
Where I live anyone can raise poultry and sell from home and they
do. Right arond the corner from me less than a two minute walk a new
family moved in and is raising chickens, they have a big sign in front
"Eggs For Sale". I met them, they're very nice people, even though
their chickes are out all over the road, but I know better than to buy
uninspected eggs, that's riskier than buying a Rollex from a guy in
trench coat on a NYC street corner. I get my eggs from the Stewarts
in town.