Imagining a Receipe
john zeiss wrote:
> As a child it was a bit of a special treat to have a tin of Heinz tomato
> soup before going to bed in the evening. Somehow now much older I have an
> emotional attachment to it and quite often have a cup at night time.
> I've not much idea what's really in it, its listed on the tin as:
> Tomatoes 84%, vegetable oil, sugar, modified cornflour, salt, dried skimmed
> milk, milk proteins, cream, spice extracts, herb extracts, citric acid.
> I'm not a big fan of animal products and have no idea how scary *modified*
> cornflour is, or what kind of oil, etc., etc.
> I know this is not going to be easy, but I am wondering if anyone 'familiar'
> with this product and who is a bit sophisticated food wise, might be able to
> *imagine* a recipe roughly similar in taste a novice like myself might
> manage to make? I do have a blender.
> Especially one that would be more *healthy*, and also might 'approximate
> that 'creamy type' tomato taste? Thanks for any advice.
There is nothing wrong with the ingredients in that can. Stop being
paranoid and persnickety about it and worry about what you're breathing
or washing your hair with instead.