Imagining a Receipe
john zeiss wrote:
> I know this is not going to be easy, but I am wondering if anyone 'familiar'
> with this product and who is a bit sophisticated food wise, might be able to
> *imagine* a recipe roughly similar in taste a novice like myself might
> manage to make? I do have a blender.
> Especially one that would be more *healthy*, and also might 'approximate
> that 'creamy type' tomato taste? Thanks for any advice.
I don't know if you have a Trader Joe's close to you, but they have a
wonderful line of organic soups that are in the waxed cartons instead of
cans . I especially enjoy their creamy, tomato based soups. They also
make good starting point with their basic varieties that you can add to
quite easily.
Sounds to me like you want something easy, and this is a great way to go.