Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Wed 19 Nov 2008 05:17:48a, john zeiss told us...
>> Tomatoes 84%, vegetable oil, sugar, modified cornflour, salt, dried
>> skimmed milk, milk proteins, cream, spice extracts, herb extracts,
>> citric acid.
>> I'm not a big fan of animal products and have no idea how scary
>> *modified* cornflour is, or what kind of oil, etc., etc.
> As far as modified cornflour (we call it cornstarch), it is made from corn
> and theres nothing dangerous about it. Vegetable oil may be made from a
> variety of different vegetables, but it is definitely not an animal
> product. Based on the list of ingredients, there appears to be no animal
> products in the Heinz product.
"milk proteins"
If one is adequately spooked by animal products, I'd say this is a red
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