Thread: Ping: George
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Kathi Jones Kathi Jones is offline
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Default Ping: George

"George Shirley" > wrote in message
. ..
> The Cook wrote:
>> I finally got a chance to actually use my new Grip Tite. It seems
>> much more comfortable to use than my old lifter. I did pick up a pot
>> holder for insurance since this was the first time with real stuff.
>> Didn't need it.
>> I canned grape juice.

> See, sometimes oldies are goodies. I tried a neighbors jar lifter, one of
> those you have to squeeze the handles together. Very awkward for me to
> use. My right hand is partially paralyzed from strokes and doesn't have
> much strength. Not bothered a bit by the Grip Tite as it works by gravity.
> I found, long ago, that as long as you didn't leave the Grip Tite in the
> water overlong it didn't get hot. The mass is small and it warms fairly
> quickly but it also cools pretty quick.
> Glad you're happy with it. Seems we could find a manufacturer to make them
> again. Might have to do a patent search to see if the original has
> expired. If I could weld worth a damn I could probably make one myself.
> Got some Inconel rod the right diameter in the shop so may look at
> possibly bending one to the right dimensions. Hmm?

put me down for one!
