Peter Lucas > wrote in
. 25:
> ladysailor > wrote in
> news:8518fc11-de4e-4e2a-8b83-a830975764b0
>> On Nov 19, 7:14 pm, Peter Lucas > wrote:
>>> Grab a large bottle of Tea Tree Oil from Woolworths. It'll cost you
>>> about $4-5 for a 100ml bottle.
Natural First Aid From a Bottle
The antiseptic action of tea tree oil is considered to be ten times more
powerful than carbolic acid and yet it is non poisonous to humans!
Australian Aborigines have been making use of this native tree in their
medications for centuries. It is toning and head clearing, highly
disinfectant without being toxic, and the oil is a powerful antiseptic
and fungicide. Its anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties
make it useful for treating a whole range of first aid situations, as
well as other minor problems, such as skin infections, sunburn, acne,
athlete's foot, wounds, minor cuts and abrasions, acne, insect bites and
stings, temporary relief of nasal and chest congestion, Candida,
toothache, and pyorrhoea (gum disease), to name but a few.
A bottle of tea tree oil in the bathroom cabinet is a must for those
emergency first aid situations. You can use safely and with confidence
for any of the following situations:
To treat abrasions, cuts and scratches, dilute two or three drops of the
oil in a bowl of warm water and wash the wound thoroughly. Then apply a
little of the tea tree solution to the wound two to three times daily
with a clean cotton wool ball until it heals. The dissolved oil in water
makes an excellent all purpose antiseptic wash.
To treat minor burns, first flush the affected area of skin with cold
water, then apply neat tea tree oil to it.
For the temporary relief of muscular aches and pains blend 6 drops of
oil with 10 ml of olive oil and apply to muscles before and after
exercise. To make the oil extra penetrating add 10 drops of avocado oil
to the blend, mixing thoroughly. A teaspoon of tea tree oil added to a
hot bath will also help to relieve muscular aches and pains.
When head colds, sinusitis and bronchial and nasal congestion persist,
dilute a teaspoon of oil in a basin of hot water and use as an
inhalation. People with heart and blood pressure problems, asthma or
other breathing difficulties, broken skin or visible, diluted red veins
should avoid using steam inhalations, unless otherwise directed by their
health practitioner.
When sore throat persists add 4 drops of the oil to 25 ml warm water and
gargle two to three times daily. Apply immediately to cold sores when
they first appear, and then use three to four times daily for up to, but
no more than, 5 days.
Tea tree lotion (which is the most common way to purchase the oil) will
give soothing relief to dry skin, cracked heals, sun burn and other skin
irritations, including shaving rash, nappy rash and chafe. It will also
help to clear up pimples and to kill bacteria. Apply by dabbing a little
of the oil lotion onto the affected spot three times a day.
Copyright © 2000, Alan Hayes
Peter Lucas
"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it is
safer to harrass rich women than motorcycle gangs."