OT - Kili is...
....Feeling much better since she was readmitted to TGH and the doctors undid
what the nurses so dangerously bungled last time.
Christy told me they proclaimed they'd removed an 8 centimeter hematoma from
her left arm.
When I held up two fingers approximately that distance apart, she said, "No!
8 Centimeters!"
I then closed my fingers together and said, "I guess you mean millimeters?"
She was adamant that they told her it was 8 centimeters.
At any rate, she was actually able to laugh today. She's far from tip-top
condition, but I think she's on the right road.
Thanks to all you decent people. (You know who you are)
The rest of you may engage me on other newsgroups.
Do Not Call her with well wishes. She needs rest. When she is home again,
I'm certain she will share the details of her ordeal with her friends.
I don't even call her. I wait for her to call me. That way I know for sure
she's receptive to a phone call.
She has OCD when it comes to a ringing phone. She'll break her neck to
answer it. It even perturbs her when I don't answer my phone if it's
someone I don't want to talk to.
"Aren't you going to answer that!?"
She's got a long way to go, but at least they've undone the damage they
caused earlier this week.
I will keep this group updated when I have news.
Thanks for your understanding.