OT - Kili is...
TFM® wrote:
> ...Feeling much better since she was readmitted to TGH and the
> doctors undid what the nurses so dangerously bungled last time.
> Christy told me they proclaimed they'd removed an 8 centimeter
> hematoma from her left arm.
> When I held up two fingers approximately that distance apart, she
> said, "No! 8 Centimeters!"
> I then closed my fingers together and said, "I guess you mean
> millimeters?"
> She was adamant that they told her it was 8 centimeters.
> At any rate, she was actually able to laugh today. She's far from
> tip-top condition, but I think she's on the right road.
> Thanks to all you decent people. (You know who you are)
> The rest of you may engage me on other newsgroups.
> Do Not Call her with well wishes. She needs rest. When she is home
> again, I'm certain she will share the details of her ordeal with her
> friends. I don't even call her. I wait for her to call me. That way I
> know
> for sure she's receptive to a phone call.
> She has OCD when it comes to a ringing phone. She'll break her neck
> to answer it. It even perturbs her when I don't answer my phone if
> it's someone I don't want to talk to.
> "Aren't you going to answer that!?"
> "Nope."
> She's got a long way to go, but at least they've undone the damage
> they caused earlier this week.
> I will keep this group updated when I have news.
> Thanks for your understanding.
> TFM®
Thank you for the update. I've been rather busy with my concerns about my
mother but I still wish Christy all the best. I hope she continues to
I know all about medical mishaps. The hospital lost my mom's dentures (the
lower ones) even though they were in a red cup right next to her bed. I saw
them in that red cup, in her room. I specifically asked where her lower
plate was and they showed them to me. In the red denture cup.
When the ambulance transported her back home I got a bag of her stuff. It
contained the red denture cup - the empty red cup. WTF happened to her
lower plate?! They have no clue. I did get some guy's "hoodie" zip-up
sweatshirt, size Large, which certainly didn't belong to my mother.
Hospitals suck. The also lost (never recorded) her Healthcare POA and DNR
which I also handed over to them. It's ridiculous.