Sorta OT Store Closings and Gift Cards
jmcquown said...
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> Now the same developer wants to put in a Dollar Store. Okay, I love
>>> my dollar stores. As long as it doesn't take up 295,000 sq. feet and
>>> clog traffic. But that's still not what the property is zoned for.
>> The town needs to stand behind their zoning, once they
>> cave, other stores use it as ammo to slap up whatever
>> they want, wherever.
>> nancy
> Yes, they need to stand behind their zoning. They beat out Wally World
> (WalMart). I hardly think a Dollar General is necessary. I can point
> where a Dollar General, a Family Dollar and Dollar Tree are located and I
> don't even live here. We don't need another friggin dollar store. I
> complain sometimes about having to go so far to shop for groceries. But
> don't want this place turned into another metropolis. It's peaceful
> It's quiet here. There's little crime here. Bring in the malls and the
> fast food restaurants and BOOM the next thing you know this is not a
> quiet area.
> Jill
I just saw a documentary about Wal-Mart. Maybe you've seen it?
"Wal-Mart: The High Price of Cheap Labor."
They're a terrible company. Highly discriminatory and working foreign
factory employees seven days a week for pennies an hour, as well as
demeaning intimidation and false job growth promises to employees,
manipulating supplier prices, undercutting local competition out of
business, gross environment negligence, etc.
It was difficult to watch, with upper management smugly refusing to admit
the unfair practices it employed!!!
At the end of the program it showed a town meeting that voted Wal-Mart
outta town, denying them a building permit. Then the closing credits rolled
a list of hundreds (?) towns and cities that also voted Wal-Mart out of
There's a Wal-Mart a few towns away from me that is in absolutely the
poorest part of town. I don't know by choice or not. I shopped there
exactly once. Never again, ever!