Disgusting dinners at someone else's house
Lynn from Fargo wrote:
> What's the worst thing you've ever been served at a friend's house?
> Like when you're a kid and you "eat over" somewhere and they serve
> something you wouldn't eat on a bet but they're nice people and it's
> your friend and you gotta eat it to be polite.
> I remember being in the seventh grade and eating dinner at a friends
> house a during Lent and the mom served creamed hard-boiled eggs on
> toast. I still shudder remembering it.
> Lynn in Fargo
> Probably why I converted to Judaism ;-)
Breaded, fried groundhog..... This was served to me by my cousin who
told me it was chicken and then after I had seconds told me what it
really was. As I remember, it was pretty good actually.