On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 06:46:44 -0500, TFM®
> wrote:
>"Pennyaline" > wrote in message
.. .
>> TFM® wrote:
>>> ...Feeling much better since she was readmitted to TGH and the doctors
>>> undid what the nurses so dangerously bungled last time.
>> I am glad that she's feeling better and will soon be back to her old self!
>> But, what did I miss? What did the nurses so dangerously bungle?
>They damaged her veins to the point they had to do a PICC
>The first time she was in TGH, I saw this procedure done. A lot of work,
>but the nurse pulled it off without a hitch and Christy barely flinched.
>Then she was released and sent home a few days after that.
>Barely home for a week, her PCP (primary care physician) called and said it
>was urgent that she go to the ER at TGH and be admitted.
>After she was admitted they attempted to do another PICC. I was not there
>to witness the procedure this time. Evidently they used a small monkey on
>crack. Her arm swelled up to almost the size of her leg and became
>Realizing they had ****ed something up, they had that one pulled and went
>straight into the carotid artery (I think).
>When the arm situation got worse the next day, they pulled that jackass
>maneuver of discharging her at night and sending her home in a cab. (Here's
>where people start asking, "Why didn't you go pick her up?")
>I have developed quite the cataract in my right eye. The one that had the
>nail shot through it in 1991 or so.
>I have 20/200 vision in that eye. Probably worse but that's as low as the
>scale goes.
>At any rate, it's physically not possible for me to drive in the dark. What
>appears as a pinpoint of light to my left eye is a huge glowing orb in the
>right. Oncoming headlights are especially fun!
>I've been fitted with corrective lenses (glasses) that help a little in the
>daylight, but do nothing at night. The doctor who examined me recommended
>surgery first, but I simply can't afford it.
>Back to Christy...
>When she got home I took one look at her and said, "What the Hell did they
>send you home for?"
>She had no idea. When the sun came up the next morning I had her back in
>the ER at a local hospital.
>They kept her there all day doing X-rays and other tests. Then they sent
>her back to TGH where they performed the surgery that saved her from
>impending amputation.
Okay, I am more than a little confused about how many PICCs she
got...and exactly what happend..but that's okay. I am often this
Sorry to hear that she has had such a rough time. Next time, tell her
to ask for a neonatal nurse to put one in...we can get into the worst
Give her my love.
And you take care too.