Militant *** activists--> This is why you aren't accepted bynormal people
On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 17:38:34 +0000, BaJoRi wrote:
>> And I've repeated ad nauseum: I'd oppose that agenda in school, also -
>> or any religious agenda - but neither of those gives any moral, legal,
>> or practical reason against *** marriage.
> I am not against *** marriage. What I am against are the tactics being
> used to achieve a goal, those tactics including, but not limited to,
> intimidation, efforts to curtail the rights of others, and the attempted
> implementation of social change through our school systems.
Great. I'm against all those things too.
> To me that
> makes many of them no different from the religious zealots they
> purportedly dislike. But of course they don't see it that way because
> their rights are more important than anyone elses.
The particular right we're talking about doesn't infringe on anyone
elses, though.