Thread: OT - Kili is...
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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default OT - Kili is...

In article > ,
TFM® > wrote:

> I have developed quite the cataract in my right eye. The one that had the
> nail shot through it in 1991 or so.
> I have 20/200 vision in that eye. Probably worse but that's as low as the
> scale goes.

I've had *way* too much experience with cataract. For youngsters like
you and I, it is often due to eye injury. Since I don't remember any
eye injury, and I've had it in both eyes, I don't know what my excuse is.

20/200 is pretty much blind. Sounds like you only see out of one eye.

> At any rate, it's physically not possible for me to drive in the dark. What
> appears as a pinpoint of light to my left eye is a huge glowing orb in the
> right. Oncoming headlights are especially fun!

Yup, that's how it works. It's like one of those slanty rear windows in
a car. It doesn't matter how dirty it is, you can see out of it. Until
the sun hits it. Then you can't see a thing. The sun reflecting every
which way off the dirt completely overwhelms the image. A cataract
works the same way.

> I've been fitted with corrective lenses (glasses) that help a little in the
> daylight, but do nothing at night. The doctor who examined me recommended
> surgery first, but I simply can't afford it.

Glasses do very little for mature cataract (that's what they call them
when they get old and bad). Mostly cataract blocks and distorts the
image. There is a slight change in prescription, and glasses will fix
that, but it's hardly worthwhile.

The only fix is surgery. It's about 15 minutes, or about 2 hours with
the prep and recovery. I don't know about the cost. My first was
US$1.00, my second was either free or they just forgot to charge. For
the second, I estimate US$50 for copays and medicine before and after
the surgery. My HMO is pretty good at paying for things.

Anyway, I've got the fix for you. It's simple, easy and cheap. I
suspect that you aren't seeing out of your bad eye anyway, so just buy a
patch. I've done this before, for a similar reason. You would only
wear it when you need it (they aren't very comfortable).
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They are available at most drugstores for a few bucks. They are mostly
worn by people who can't sleep with light in their eyes, but work nights
and sleep during the day.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA