Mark Thorson wrote:
> I used to buy Trader Joe's popcorn until several months
> ago when they changed it. It used to be that nearly
> all the popcorn was ball-shaped rather than the more
> common octopus shape, and I really prefer ball-shaped
> pieces.
> According to Wikipedia, in the business these are
> both called flakes, the ball-shaped type being a
> mushroom flake and the octopus-shape type being
> a butterfly flake.
> And popcorns are available that produce 100%
> mushroom flakes or 100% butterfly flakes.
> Trader Joe's must have swiched from the former
> to the latter.
> I used to eat a lot of popcorn, and I tried many
> brands. I wonder why no commercial unpopped popcorn
> is available in stores of the type that makes
> mushroom flakes? If I were still buying popcorn,
> that's what I would want.
Oh, interesting. And you are right. Now I am most curious about
finding the ball aka mushroom shape.
Jean B.