Sorta OT Store Closings and Gift Cards
Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> blake murphy > wrote:
> > On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 13:44:13 -0600, anonymous wrote:
> > >
> > > In contrast to the "glass half - full" of Segal, Larry King featured
> > > Lezbian - Financial Guru Suze Orman, who was yelling "Of course gas
> > > are DOWN...NOBODY has a JOB to drive to...!!!". What an idiot...
> >
> > now, now, morrow. does orman call you 'power faggot'?
> >
> > oh, right, that would imply you were powerful in some way. never mind.
> He's pretty powerful at changing his posting name. That takes *real*
> talent and power. One of my filters on him expired yesterday. I
> foolishly didn't extend it. Bunch of crap posted today. Two more
> filters.
Be a *good* boy, Dan, and Sinter Klaus might be bringing you even *more*
"filters" for xmas...
Anyways, a little Santa's helper elf told me that if you put "Gregory
Morrow" and gregorymorrowatearthlink into yer kf that will take care of
about 99.99 % of everything I post...