White wine grave for turkey
On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 01:42:42 GMT, "Brick"
> wrote:
>On 22-Nov-2008, Janet Wilder > wrote:
>> Brick wrote:
>> > amount of Mirin when I do stir-fry. For rice wine I like a decent Sake.
>> > I
>> > don't actually claim to know what I'm doing, but I turn out a
>> > surprisingly
>> > high percentage of delicious dishes.
>> Try using an inexpensive dry sherry in stir fry cooking. I've used it
>> for years and years and it's really good. Some one taught me the trick
>> of putting a hunk of fresh ginger into a small screw-top jar with dry
>> sherry to cover. Keep the jar in the fridge and use that ginger-infused
>> sherry for stir fry sauces.
>> --
>> Janet Wilder
>Wow, I want to try that. Now where did I put that jar?
It's also a *great* way to preserve ginger. I've done just that for
years, but never thought of using the liquid for cooking instead of
using the ginger.