Disgusting dinners at someone else's house
On Sat, 22 Nov 2008 14:17:08 -0500, "Jean B." > fired up
random neurons and synapses to opine:
>True. Much is speculation at this point. I always think of
>veering off toward Fall River when I am down in that direction. I
>think my daughter would get a kick out of it. OTOH, I would find
>it kind-of sickening.
My boss and his girlfriend-du-jour took a Halloween bus tour in
downtown LA last month that stopped at the sites of infamous murders.
Even my boss was kind of grossed out - and he's a lawyer! <g>
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret had been as
old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had been as full as the
waitress's, it would have been a very good dinner."
- Duncan Hines
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