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Posts: 24,847
cold sores
In article >,
(Lass Chance_2) wrote:
> Lesson learned: SOME folks cannot take large doses of Vitamin C.
> ...and, SOME folks would rather die than have 11 great big red lesions
> on their face!
> LassChance
Right now I'm thanking the folks that recommended Abreva. My sister
included. :-) I bought some this morning (nearly 14 bucks for a teensy
tube but it does not take much) and a single application killed the pain
in the damned things in just a few hours.
I anticipate faster healing now that the virus is probably dead.
My immune system is trashed at the moment due to some problems with
insomnia, probably due to Propranolol. :-P Sleep deprivation is a bitch.
Peace! Om
"All People and things are interdependent. The world has become so small that no nation can solve its problems alone, in isolation from others. That is why I believe we must all cultivate a sense of responsibility based on love and compassion for each other." -- Dalai Lama
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