Cure for BSD? (bland soup disorder)
In article
bulka > wrote:
> On Nov 22, 9:46 pm, JonL > wrote:
> > My 15 bean soup is already done, last night. Didn't notice till it was
> > too late, it didn't include the ham flavor pack. Then I couldn't find
> > the usual country ham, so today I settled for for ham hocks. They're
> > pale-looking, so I assume they're not smoked. Just guessing, decided to
> > simmer them till I think they're done.
> >
> > Don't think just adding the hocks will help the flavor much....can I use
> > the water the hocks boiled in...?? Couldn't find anything resembling ham
> > flavoring at 3 stores.
> >
> > any ideas welcomed
> > <Jon K>
> I like your thee stores. "Ham flavoring"? Yuk. You are not
> "settling" for the hocks, it's an upgrade.
> What else did you do? Just boil that tube of beans?
> Not too late. Yes, save the hock water. Simmer it down, reduce it a
> bunch. Strip the meat, crack the bones if you can, add them to the
> stock. Throw in some carrotonioncelerygarlic as long as you are
> there. If you don't have to eat this tonight, cool the broth., skim
> off most of the fat.
> The hocks are gonna make your soup into aspic (jelly). More liquid.
> How do you feel about tomato juice?
> Herbs and spices would have been better earlier, but you can still add
> some of your favorites. And there is always salt, pepper, hotsauce,
> lemonjuice/vinegar up to or at table.
> Or maybe, let the beans be relatively bland this time and make some
> kick-ass over-spiced jalepeno garlic cheese cornbread to go with.
> Good luck.
All good ideas! I'm not the op, I just agree with you. :-)
Peace! Om
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