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Peter-Lucas Peter-Lucas is offline
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Posts: 249
Default Jill

"jmcquown" > wrote in

> Thank you. That's beautiful. Fortunately, they don't ask you to
> speak at military funerals.

Hmmmm, must be a US custom.

> And my mother will be cremated and buried
> alongside my father at Beaufort National Cemetery.

Where is he? Did I miss him?

>Of course she
> won't have the 21-gun salute but she'll have a honor guard.

That's a lot more than Army wives are afforded here.

> except when she let
> me wear velvet in the 1970's LOL

Velvet was *in* then!!

Think of all the happy times.

Peter Lucas

"As viscous as motor oil swirled in a swamp, redolent of burnt bell peppers
nested in by incontinent mice and a finish reminiscent of the dregs of a
stale can of Coca-Cola that someone has been using as an ashtray. Not a bad
drink, though."
Excerpt from "The Moose Turd Wine Tasting" by T. A. Nonymous