Sorta OT Store Closings and Gift Cards
Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
> ...
> > "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> >> That's why stores love them, it's free money. Better yet if
Uh, actually, extant gift cards and certificates are carried
on the books as liabilities. It is a debt for accounting
purposes. A bankruptcy could erase those of course.
> >> they can chip away at the amount with fees, it's all good.
> >> Unless you're the one just carrying around the card and not
> >> using it.
But very few do that. One should read the fine print on things
like gift cards and be aware of any fees or expirations.
I got a Barne's & Noble gift card for Father's Day a few years ago.
I misplaced it for about 18 months or 2 years, but it was redeemed
at full value, no fees or expiration.
> No so here in CT. Law states no fees, no expiration.
I suspect that's more common than not, but the media loves to
play Chicken Little. "Your *HOME* may be killing you!!! Tune in
at 11 to find out how!"
Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.