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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Anyone ever use an oven bag for turkey

On Nov 27, 6:51�pm, notbob > wrote:
> On 2008-11-27, Christine Dabney > wrote:
> > On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 12:53:51 -0800 (PST), Sheldon >
> > wrote:
> >>Hurry over to your nearest Dollar store, etc. and buy a couple of
> >>large disposable aluminum pans... place one inside the other for
> >>strength and place on a sheet pan for easier handling. �Unless you
> >>like braised turkey forget about turkey in a bag.

> Mom's pan was "just" big enough, so didn't use bag. �Lacked a rack so placed
> bird on 3 spring tongs on bottom of pan opened and layed out like a chevron.
> Worked great. �Unfortunately, bird still came out a bit dry, even though I
> yanked at 165 deg F. �Probably shoulda yanked at 160. �I may try a bag at
> xmas, jes as a goof.
> > He's out in the boondocks. �Not many dollar stores around, if I
> > remember that area correctly. �

> We just got brand new one. �Haven't been yet, but tend to avoid them. �Over
> the years, I've only found one or two items worth buying in over a dozen
> dollar stores. �Ninety-nine point nine nine percent of the stuff is
> worthless junk.
> nb

I wouldn't go out of my way but there's a Dollar store right next to
the liquor store, and some things are a very good buy... just two
weeks ago I needed black shoelaces, so since I was already there I
stopped in, they had an entire rack of laces, all kinds, all lengths.
all colors, even combo packs... I bought a pack of six pair of extra
long flat black laces for a buck. When I went into the stupidmarket
they had the exact same laces one pair for $1.29. In case anyone is
wondering the laces weren't for shoes, I really needed only part of
one lace to repair an old antique picture frame, the kind that sits on
a dresser like an easel stand, the black ribbon holding the movable
portion finally gave way. The flat black lace was perfect. I usually
stop in just to look, and usually buy some holiday decorations, cheapo
Halloween stuff was fine. Disposable aluminum pans are a bargain
there. But I agree, most of the Dollar store stuff is dreck.