Thankgiving dinner # (what are we up to in threads about t-day dinner?)
Small gathering this year, only 7 of us. One (dad) who can't eat much and
doesn't like to hang out since is still recovering from surgery. He managed
to eat a little turkey and stuffing. Mom was there of course doing the
things that are hard to travel with, though she's slowing down a lot too,
and couldn't stand for periods of time without having to sit down. She will
have knee surgery in the next couple of months. Sis with her 3 kids, and
Mom did a turkey breast, stuffing that we ended up moving to cupcake tins
because we all like it crunchy, I peeled, boiled and mashed the potatoes
she'd set aside and this was my first experience with gluey mashers. Tasted
good, but the consistency was the kind I don't like. The were red potatoes,
so since I always use russets, maybe that's what it was.
Mom made a list to keep us on track (missing things and a little out of
order, but that's ok)
bring the ice up and chill the water in the pitchers
Fill the bird feeders (???????????????) <<-- had to laugh at this one
Set the table
Fill the relish dishes
Make the gravy (turkey wasn't even finished yet)
get turkey platter out of storage
The dishes my sister and I made weren't on the list so we told her we'd take
care of everything, including her list. It went pretty smoothly and we
didn't have food that wasn't ready to eat when everything else was ready and
the kids are asking every 2 minutes if dinner is ready yet.
I brought green bean casserole made with a homemade mushroom cream sauce and
homemade onion rings to put on top, and the Spinach Soup. I should have
known when I mentioned crème fraîche for the topping that she'd have
everything needed to make our own.
Sis brought some smoked turkey legs and wings because her kids don't like
turkey breast. She also brought an acorn squash dish that was too sweet for
my taste, but the kids loved it. She also brought tiny one portion pies of
different varieties.
We played cards for a while after and then the tryptophan kicked in and I
needed a nap or needed to go home.
I just wish my dad's surgery recovery was coming along faster. He's thinner
and thinner every time I see him. And he gets cranky when we talk about
food. It just really hurts him to eat.
I hope you fellow Americans enjoyed our day of thankfulness and gluttony.
Happy Thanksgiving!!! I'm thankful I have these wonderful people in my life
who supported me during my darkest days. I'm sad that there were missing
people today including one who will never grace our table again, but I'm
thankful that he was in my life for 23 years. I'm sad for the victims of
yet more terrorist attacks, and hopeful for a time without them.
¸.· ´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·'*Cheryl