Thankgiving dinner # (what are we up to in threads about t-day dinner?)
On Thu 27 Nov 2008 08:29:38p, Cheryl told us...
> Small gathering this year, only 7 of us. One (dad) who can't eat much
> and doesn't like to hang out since is still recovering from surgery. He
> managed to eat a little turkey and stuffing. Mom was there of course
> doing the things that are hard to travel with, though she's slowing down
> a lot too, and couldn't stand for periods of time without having to sit
> down. She will have knee surgery in the next couple of months. Sis
> with her 3 kids, and me.
> Mom did a turkey breast, stuffing that we ended up moving to cupcake
> tins because we all like it crunchy, I peeled, boiled and mashed the
> potatoes she'd set aside and this was my first experience with gluey
> mashers. Tasted good, but the consistency was the kind I don't like.
> The were red potatoes, so since I always use russets, maybe that's what
> it was.
> Mom made a list to keep us on track (missing things and a little out of
> order, but that's ok)
> bring the ice up and chill the water in the pitchers
> Fill the bird feeders (???????????????) <<-- had to laugh at this one
> Set the table
> Fill the relish dishes
> Make the gravy (turkey wasn't even finished yet)
> get turkey platter out of storage
> The dishes my sister and I made weren't on the list so we told her we'd
> take care of everything, including her list. It went pretty smoothly
> and we didn't have food that wasn't ready to eat when everything else
> was ready and the kids are asking every 2 minutes if dinner is ready
> yet.
> I brought green bean casserole made with a homemade mushroom cream sauce
> and homemade onion rings to put on top, and the Spinach Soup. I should
> have known when I mentioned crème fraîche for the topping that she'd
> have everything needed to make our own.
> Sis brought some smoked turkey legs and wings because her kids don't
> like turkey breast. She also brought an acorn squash dish that was too
> sweet for my taste, but the kids loved it. She also brought tiny one
> portion pies of different varieties.
> We played cards for a while after and then the tryptophan kicked in and
> I needed a nap or needed to go home.
> I just wish my dad's surgery recovery was coming along faster. He's
> thinner and thinner every time I see him. And he gets cranky when we
> talk about food. It just really hurts him to eat.
> I hope you fellow Americans enjoyed our day of thankfulness and
> gluttony.
> Happy Thanksgiving!!! I'm thankful I have these wonderful people in my
> life who supported me during my darkest days. I'm sad that there were
> missing people today including one who will never grace our table again,
> but I'm thankful that he was in my life for 23 years. I'm sad for the
> victims of yet more terrorist attacks, and hopeful for a time without
> them.
> *´¨)
> ¸.· ´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
> (¸.·´ (¸.·'*Cheryl
All in all, Cheryl, it sounds like you had a truly wonderful day!
Happy Thanksgiving, and a quick recovery for your Dad.
Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)
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Date: Thursday, 11(XI)/27(XXVII)/08(MMVIII)
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Today is: Thanksgiving Day (U.S.)
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Where do all the characters you BACKSPACE over go?
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