Anyone ever use an oven bag for turkey
"notbob" 'boondocks' wrote in message
> On 2008-11-27, Christine Dabney <wrote:
>> On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 12:53:51 -0800 (PST), Sheldon >> wrote:
>>>Hurry over to your nearest Dollar store, etc. and buy a couple of
>>>large disposable aluminum pans... place one inside the other for
>>>strength and place on a sheet pan for easier handling. Unless you
>>>like braised turkey forget about turkey in a bag.
> Mom's pan was "just" big enough, so didn't use bag. Lacked a rack so
> placed
> bird on 3 spring tongs on bottom of pan opened and layed out like a
> chevron.
> Worked great. Unfortunately, bird still came out a bit dry, even though I
> yanked at 165 deg F. Probably shoulda yanked at 160. I may try a bag at
> xmas, jes as a goof.
>> He's out in the boondocks. Not many dollar stores around, if I
>> remember that area correctly.
> We just got brand new one. Haven't been yet, but tend to avoid them.
> Over
> the years, I've only found one or two items worth buying in over a dozen
> dollar stores. Ninety-nine point nine nine percent of the stuff is
> worthless junk.
> nb
I agree with Sheldon, try another method of trapping moisture in the turkey.
We tried a 16 lb in a bag once, ok the breast was more moist, but the bird
was swimming around in a gallon of juice and you miss the traditional roast
If we tried it again, might puncture holes in the bottom of the bag, sit it
on a wire rack, in a tray and remember to empty the tray every 30 mins.
p.s. 'boondocks eh! your secret is safe with me :-)