Pete wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> Pete wrote:
>>> Anne would wipe the floor with the pair of them.
> No, -you- make me laugh, you really do.
> If Anne chose to wipe the floor with either of you verbally, she could
> and it would be an -easy- knock out in round one.
Why, does she do it with you? Why are you brown nosing her? Do you want to
be her bessie friend again?
> I don't doubt she could do it physically too if she chose that route
> either.
Oh no she wouldn't. I am not the weak, overweight person, recovering from
serious illness that she visited any more. I had only been out of a
wheelchair for a matter of weeks. I really would like to see her attack me
But she wouldn't, because it's obvious she's had a better
> upbringing than you.
Ahhhhh now there you just might be wrong.