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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Using the Car Boot as a Cooler.

In article >,
Welsh Dog > wrote:

> On Tue, 2 Dec 2008 20:37:40 -0600, Sqwertz >
> wrote:
> >Welsh Dog > wrote:

> >> Back in the UK Master Chef Delia Smith recently advocated leaving a
> >> dish of cooked turkey legs in the car boot *overnight* to cool before
> >> being properly refrigerated if eaten cold!

> >Every serious cook, and anybody who knows anything about food
> >hygeine, knows that even the hottest foods should get refrigerated
> >as soon as possible. They should be left to "cool down" anywhere
> >except in the fridge or freezer.

> >-sw (who does not like the recent Oz migration)

> 1. Re Oz migration... you migrating?? It's nice here!
> 2. Trouble with pushing hot food in a fridge is raising the
> temperature of everything else? In a cold climate I'd have thought a
> car boot would be ideal?
> Welshdog

My back porch 'frige is 40 cubic feet. It's not going to affect the
temp. <g>

I could always do a quick cool in the chest freezer I guess, but I've
never done that.
Peace! Om

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