Thread: New Mixer
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bredbakker bredbakker is offline
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Default New Mixer

On Nov 16, 2:04*pm, "Paul Gilbert" > wrote:
> A number of years ago I stripped the gears our of a K5A Kitchen Aid mixer
> while kneading some Rye bread dough. *I have been super cautious since then.
> I just found on Craig's List an A-200 Hobart 20 qt. monster at a price that
> I couldn't pass up. *However, it didn't come with a dough hook. *There are
> two types of dough hook for this mixer. *One is built like a C and is just a
> bigger version of what I have for my Kitchen Aid. *The other is called a
> spiral hook and as the name implies looks sort of like a stretched out cork
> screw.
> Has anyone used one of these spiral hooks and where are they better/worse
> than the traditional C?
> Thanks
> Paul Gilbert

I just joined this usenet group and saw your post here. Thought I
might give a tiny bit of info. Having been a bread baker these past
40+ years professionally and recreationally:-) I've had the
opportunity to use many Hobarts. I find the spiral hook to be more
proficient at kneading dough in that it has more contact points with
the bowl then the C hook. I don't know how many points exactly but I'd
guess at least 75+ CP. Having ruined my wrists and elbows after years
of hand kneading I'm all for a more efficient hook! You probably
already know this by now but just thot I'd put my 3cents in.
bredbakker p.s. I'm looking for info on how to get my puter to
translate a German breadbaking website into English or French. If
anyone knows how this is done please let me know. TIA.