Using the Car Boot as a Cooler.
On Wed, 3 Dec 2008 05:01:51 -0600, Sqwertz wrote:
> Paco > wrote:
>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Welsh Dog > wrote:
>>>> Back in the UK Master Chef Delia Smith recently advocated leaving a
>>>> dish of cooked turkey legs in the car boot *overnight* to cool before
>>>> being properly refrigerated if eaten cold!
>>> Every serious cook, and anybody who knows anything about food
>>> hygeine, knows that even the hottest foods should get refrigerated
>>> as soon as possible. They should be left to "cool down" anywhere
>>> except in the fridge or freezer.
>> Somebody is having a "Jerry" moment.
> <yawn> I see you don't know anything about food safety either.
> Care for some credible cites? For $20 I'll provide you with 10.
> $40 will buy you 25.
> -sw
i'm thinking that the u.s.d.a. and other sources are very conservative on
this matter. (i'm also thinking you left out a 'not' in 'They should be
left to "cool down".') but i see no real harm in letting them cool down *a
little* at room temp before jamming in the refrigerator. not hours and
hours, though.
your pal,