The Legend of Cuchulain Libby aka "Hound"
> wrote in message
> "F.G. Whitfurrows" > wrote:
> > "TFM®" > wrote >
> > >
> > > Reckon you're missin' something. Though I have been known to talk to
> > > myself, this ain't one of them times.
> > >
> > > TFM®
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Welllllllllllllllll, thanks for splainin' that for me...its all much
> > clearer now. Was there someone postin in between them 2 posts of yours
> > that maybe I have on my kill file or were ya just correctin yerself.
> >
> > Please forgive this ol drunk Hobbit, man, I just don't get it.
> >
> > And did ya eber get ya a special beer for Christmas like ya said ya
> > might?
> Get off yer high horse, Fuzzy Foot. Yeah. You apparently missed MY post
> about the Legend of Cuchulain Libby aka Hound. TFM (almost correctly) took
> issue with one of my statements, subsequently corrected himself. I had to
> look everything up. He was working from memory, which impressed the Hell
> out of me.
Dude, I ain't on no ****in high horse. I'm a goddamned hobbit and hobdits
rides ponies, remember?
I did not miss your post about the legend of CL, It just seemed like I
missed a post between TFM corectin' you and TFM correctin' himself. But now
that I know it was just TFM correctin' himself, and not TFM admitting to
someone else that he was wrong after that someone else had corrected the
afore mentioned TFM, it all makes perfect sense to me you drunk bacardi and
coke lovin son of a bitch. Now I'm gonna go drink me another 10+% beer and a
shot of Old Forester and contemplate addin you to my killfile so's I can
just avoid all this goddamned confusion in the future.
> Five Our Father's and five Hail Mary's should take care of it. ;~D
I aint sayin your damned pennances, *******!:>)
Fosco Gamgee Whitfurrows
and his 6" boner
Crackin me up again!