> Ground meat (pork or/and beef), chopped ham and bacon are combined with
> onions, rice, paprika, and egg. This mix is rolled into individual
> cabbage leaves and cooked in a mix of water, roux, paprika and sometimes
> tomato sauce. The rolls are sometimes interspersed with shedded
> sauerkraut. Crisp, home-made kraut is best.
> D.M.
I see where you were able to read my 'cabbage' post.
Strangely, I have been having troubles seeing my own posts. I don't see my
'cabbage' post.
I just checked my 'blocked senders' list and I am not on it. But you
were.... I removed you.
I have no idea what is happening to Outlook Express w/XP Home.
.. . . .I would sure appreciate your replying to me if you can see this, as I
probably won't.
.. . . .thanks. . .charlie