Thread: First fire ?
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Default First fire ?

"AG" > wrote in message >...
> Hey everyone,
> I am a newbie so if I step out of line just give me a nudge in the right
> direction. Fired up my new brick pit for the first time yesterday and I have
> found that I don't have a clue how to run the thing. I am used to one of
> those cute little Brinkman smokers. My new pit is a replica of Dave
> Lineback's Sid.
> Anyway, I held the temp somewhere between 200 and 250 most of the day with
> just one small spike to 300. When I went to check the shoulder after about
> six hours I found that it was severly burnt on the outside. The only thing I
> can figure is that I did not account for the action of the dirrect radiation
> from the coals to the meat. If this is so, I am guessing it does not show up
> on a temp gauge. It was real cold when I started so I had to use a lot of
> coals to get the pit up to temp. Any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions would
> be great!
> Thanks
> AG

I guess you've probably tried it, but see if you can get in touch with
Dave Lineback. (I tried sending him an email last year some time,
only to have it returned as undeliverable). My hats off to you for
atttempting such a classy Q project.
