Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> >> half of a list of fifteen would all be morrow's.
> >
> > LMOA He is probably looking to set a record for the number of killfiles
> > for one user under multiple name shifts. There always seems to be at
> > one twit in every group who is just looking for attention. It's not so
> > bad being kill filed, but it's pretty pathetic to be filtered under
> > of names.
> Greg always uses the same e-mail address, regardless of the name he
> If I wanted to filter him -- which I don't -- I'd just delete anything
> "morrow" in the "From" line. The filtering mechanism in Outlook Express
> applies the filter list to both the sender's name and his or her e-mail
> address. I don't know if other newsreaders work like that.
Yep...and all these big brave men crybabying about the fact that I've
spoofed cybercat and blake (I won't "spoof" blake again, can't promise about
the cyberkittie, hehe...) a few times.
If you put "Gregory Morrow" into your filters you'll catch more than 99% of
my posts...I *do* constantly munge my address, but that aint' my
problem...even Outlook Express has the capability to killfile me by name,
e.g. "Gregory Morrow". If folx can't figger that out that's not my prob...
And whenever I've spoofed those two above I've posted via google, my address
clearly shows as "". Put that address intro
your twitfile and you'll not even see those few posts...
If you want a *real* name -changing pest try Peterbreath Lucas, he has a new
nym and address most every day...that's cos he's an unctuous and smarmy PUKE
who thinks he can weasel his way into the good graces of rfc, but I can
guarantee that AIN'T gonna happen...
Sqwertz has a lotta sockpuppets and such, but I don't mind, he's part of the
rfc "gang"...anyways I always relish Steve and Sheldon going at it, which
they've done at least once already today. It's cheap
entertainment...Sheldon's critiques of Steve's food pix and then Steve's
rebuttals, lol.