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Chemiker Chemiker is offline
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Default A sauerkraut tip

Has a little epiphany while fighting to keep all the cabbage
under the brine. I make small batches in 1-3 gallon crocks,
some of which have shoulders and therefore mouths that
are smaller in diameter than the crock proper.

What's a non-carpenter to do? Or even a carpenter,
if the only wood available is pine or sprue?

For the unitiated, that's the woodwork you make to
press the cabbage down. Remember, here the plate
that fits the crock, won't fit through the mouth.

The Solution:

<drum roll here....>

Take that little folding/collapsible s/s steamer basket, you
know... the one you can get at the supermarket for a couple
of USD? THe one you used for brussel sprouts and okra?

Turn that baby upside down with the leaves partially
collapsed, insert into the crock mouth, then let the leaves
expand. The leaves will expand to fit the main crock and hold the
cabbage in place. Now add your water and any remaining salt.

Inventive minds may grind away the little feet the
steamer basket comes with. I just turned a flatbottomed
side-dish upside down (Corning) and placed it over the
basket's feet and pushed down. Adjust liquid levels, and
close up the crock with its lid, towel or what have you.

Works like a charm! And you can sanitize it in the dishwasher.

No charge, honestly. Enjoy it without royalty or VAT.
