Sauce recipe
"It is very significant that some of the most thoughtful and cultured
men are partisans of a pure vegetable diet." -- Mahatma Gandhi
"The animals you eat are not those who devour others; you do not eat
the carnivorous beasts, you take them as your pattern. You only hunger
after sweet and gentle creatures who harm no one, which follow you,
serve you, and are devoured by you as the reward of their service." --
Jean Jacques Rousseau
"This [video footage from the movie Babe] is the way Americans want to
think of pigs. Real-life 'Babes' see no sun in their limited lives,
with no hay to lie on, no mud to roll in. The sows live in tiny cages,
so narrow they can't even turn around. They live over metal grates,
and their waste is pushed through slats beneath them and flushed into
huge pits." -- Morley Safer, 60 Minutes
"Think of me tonite/ For that which you savor/ Did it give you
something real,/ or could you taste the pain of my death in its
flavor?" -- Wayne K. Tolson