FEWER ! (Was Less posters on group)
On Dec 10, 12:20 pm, Gloria P > wrote:
> Goomba wrote:
> > George Shirley wrote:
> >> Alas and alack, it's over for us too. Picked the last of the cherry
> >> tomatoes and sweet chiles today, along with a couple of eggplant.
> >> Looks like we're expecting a hard freeze in the next couple of days.
> > I saw something I've never seen before- canned cherry tomatoes! I was so
> > surprised by them but I didn't buy them. I toss the odd fresh cherry
> > tomato into the pot when they're getting a bit aged and not salad
> > worthy. But I never considered going out of my way to buy them canned
> > for cooking.
> > Have ya ever....? <Goomba confounded>
> Nope. Too much skin-and-seed to pulp ratio for use other than fresh.
> gloria p
This thread has got some really wierd drift. Whatever. As a regular
reader, anyway, felt I oughta show up.
Found pickled cherry t for really cheap at the grocery and even the
dollar store. Not bad, and cute jars I re-use for my own chutney.
It's winter here - ain't gonna eat no air-mailed "fresh" tomatoes.
I got distracted, There was something else I wanted to respond to.
No - to which I would respond. That's it. I like grammar police.
T'ain't no fun messin' with words lessen' we got the rules in the
first place. Do you remember Norm Crosby? An old stand-up comic,
very language-based. I remember reading/hearing that he would flop at
a gig where the audience was jus too unedumacated to realize that his
malaprops and puns and pre-W bushisms wern't jus talkin'. Good on
you, Felice.
As long as we're drifting, this completely OT - I've just discovered
and am very enjoying somaFM.com internet radio. I'm stuck on the
alt.country bootlickers stream. There's another dozen or so channels
or programs or feeds or whatever. No disclaimer - I'm clean - just
stumbled on this a couple days ago. Between bailouts an Blagojevich,
can't listen to NPR no more for a while. We can talk about CBC.