PING: Victor Sack
Chemiker > wrote:
> Victor, I've come into some spare cabbage and
> Bell Peppers. When I was in BudaPest, I ate
> cabbage stuffed apple-peppers at the Central
> Market (with a Dreher, or maybe two).
> Can't get apple-peppers here, but I know the
> bells can substitute.
> In your opinion, what is the proper mix on
> the brine to cure these? right now I'm thinking
> 1 qt Rice Vinegar, 2 Qt clean water, 1 cup sea salt.
> Does that seem right to you?
I have never made something like that, but yours seems to be a plausible
recipe. I cannot find a recipe with specifically apple peppers to make
specifically káposztával töltött almapaprika, but Hungarian recipes for
pickled/marinated paprika, perhaps stuffed with something, mostly appear
to use (white) wine vinegar and an equal amount of water. Some even
call for more vinegar than water. Also, beside salt some appear to
include some pepper, too. If you like it somewhat less pungent, your
recipe would work just fine, I'd guess.
Not much of help, am I?