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Gary Gary is offline
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Posts: 16
Default A sauerkraut tip

One of the Eastern European flavours is to add caraway to the shredded
cabbage..Excellent, if you like the caraway. Here's a tip: try jalapeņo
peppers, sliced, added to the fresh shredded cabbage.

Chemiker wrote:
> Has a little epiphany while fighting to keep all the cabbage
> under the brine. I make small batches in 1-3 gallon crocks,
> some of which have shoulders and therefore mouths that
> are smaller in diameter than the crock proper.
> What's a non-carpenter to do? Or even a carpenter,
> if the only wood available is pine or sprue?
> For the unitiated, that's the woodwork you make to
> press the cabbage down. Remember, here the plate
> that fits the crock, won't fit through the mouth.
> The Solution:
> <drum roll here....>
> Take that little folding/collapsible s/s steamer basket, you
> know... the one you can get at the supermarket for a couple
> of USD? THe one you used for brussel sprouts and okra?
> Turn that baby upside down with the leaves partially
> collapsed, insert into the crock mouth, then let the leaves
> expand. The leaves will expand to fit the main crock and hold the
> cabbage in place. Now add your water and any remaining salt.
> Inventive minds may grind away the little feet the
> steamer basket comes with. I just turned a flatbottomed
> side-dish upside down (Corning) and placed it over the
> basket's feet and pushed down. Adjust liquid levels, and
> close up the crock with its lid, towel or what have you.
> Works like a charm! And you can sanitize it in the dishwasher.
> No charge, honestly. Enjoy it without royalty or VAT.
> Alex