Sauce recipe
In article >, "Nelson Brooks"
> wrote:
> i do love a good insult especially when it is delivered by someone that not
> only uses faux in banter but manages also to embody it and in the spirit of
> this riposte that utilized what little francophilia that filters down to the
> heretical ketchup fructose corn syrup heathen i shall rejoind that mustard
> on a pig is a gift from the enlightened to the blignorant
> (blissful+ignorant=blignorant) a touch of cultural philanthropy perhaps a
> bit of noblesse-oblige (more francophilic turns of phrase...) delivered from
> the sanctum snatorum of the palmetto state to the molasses penal colonies to
> our immediate and farther west and the backwood white vinegar outposts to
> our north a bow and a flourish from Wade Hampton's horse to Strom's
> plantation boogie...Salud.
Sauce moutard avec confit du porc? Fout le camp!
monroe(du scheisst)
PS Wade Hampton wears pantyhose and so does his horse.