In article <JfXmb.36737$Fm2.14798@attbi_s04>, "Rick & Cyndi"
> wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'"
> <passing the jam...>
> : The radio thang was fun. I brought brownies in for Charlie Boone
> : (broadcaster extraordinaire) and crew and one of the Cream Cheese
> : Coffee Cakes for them, too. Such a deal. --
> : -Barb
> ========
> Speaking of *your* Cream Cheese Coffee Cakes... !
> I made them last week. OH MY STARS!!! Barb, they were
> fabulous!!
<blush> <I told you so, I told you so!>
> Using the recipe for 6 - I did 3 in individual (8 or 9 inch) foil
> cake pans and used the other half of the recipe in a large 3 or 4
> quart baking dish. Perfect. They were PERFECT, I tell ya!
> Great reviews by all. In fact, it's already been requested that
> I bake 1 (okay, a few!) for when some of the OOTs (Out Of
> Towners) come in for Turkey Day.
> Thanks Barb. Your recipe is definitely a keeper!
> Cyndi
> <Remove a "b" to reply>
Well, thank you, Jesus!! I'm so glad to hear of someone actually doing
it!! Is it not just the best!? Did I mention that some folks serve it
more as a cheesecake (it is not), with fresh fruit atop? Make six at a
time and freeze them. Can't be beat for something impressive in a
pinch -- just pull it from the freezer!
The "recpe for 6" to which Cyndi refers is on my website. I never make
just one.
-Barb ( updated 10-16-03; check the PickleHats tab, too.)