TN: Good wines, great night ('61,'70, '90 Bdx, plus Loire and aTuscan red)
On Dec 10, 11:13�pm, Mark Lipton > wrote:
> DaleW wrote:
> > Tuesday we had a couple over in late celebration of their joint
> > birthdays. Alex had told me he had never had a birthyear wine, so
> > thought this was a good time to try a half of '61 Gloria (with some
> > backup claret). Betsy made � goat cheese/chive.mustard souffles as
> > starter, followed by squab in a porcini marinade with mashed potatoes,
> > an endive and watercress salad, and cheese. My only culinary
> > contribution was butchering the squabs (these were plucked, but Betsy
> > prefers not to do entrail/head removal) and slicing the bread.
> > With the chevre souffles, the 2007 Domane de la Charmoise �Sauvignon
> > (Touraine). Lemon and gooseberry, fresh and crisp, nothing especially
> > complex but a clean, correct, and comfortable Sauvignon Blanc. At $12
> > I'll buy again. B
> Nice lineup of wines, Dale. �I'm envious. �How were the souffles?
> Frankly, the recipe sounded too rich for me, but I'd never say that to
> Jenise. �I've already heard your description of the squab, so I won't
> ask about that. �For the record, though, squab and Burgundy is a match
> made in heaven.
> Mark Lipton
Souffles were very tasty, and not too rich for my tastes. Of course,
they are small, and we served as a first course.
I like squab and Burgundy. Come to think of it, truly mature Bdx has a
fair amount of similarities to Burgundy, and most of my favorite
matches for either would work for the other (roast chicken being the
most obvious)