Where were you when...?
On Fri, 12 Dec 2008 11:55:00 -0500, Lass Chance_2 wrote:
> When my son was little, I made a decision that when the time came he
> ASKED me, straight up, whether there is a real Santa, I'd tell him the
> truth.
> Well...that day came when he was 7 or so and he asked.
> I steeled myself and replied, "well, honey...."
> After a mkoment of silence, he burst into tears. I felt just awful.
> "Im so sorry", I said. "But I knew you'd ask someday....and I didnt
> want to lie to you."
> "Well, you shoulda KNOWN I WANTED you to LIE!", he cried. "Just Forget
> we HAD this talk!"
> Lass.
the same thing happened with me and my mom, but i was twenty-three.
your pal,